Friday, September 14, 2007

Your Credit Score.. Could it be the modern Mark of the Beast?

Revelation 13:17 And that no man might buy or sell, save he that had the mark, or the name of the beast, or the number of his name.

Is your credit score 666.
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The New Moral Vocabulary

I recently listened to a song by CeCe and Marvin Winans and it got me thinking. The song focuses on how easily we have allowed the media and popular culture to shift our internal moral vocabulary. There was a time when life was so simple, boys turned to men and girls to women then, but it ain't like that anymore. Why, because we have moved the ancient landmark. When something that was wrong 500 years ago is now no longer wrong but interpreted differently. Could it be that our internal moral vocabulary has been corrupted like when a virus corrupts the files on your computer. Could it be that we have now found a way to justify the fleshy desires (y'all know what I am talking about). Could it be that there is a hidden bigger agenda at stake and a new moral internal vocabulary has to be introduced to prepare the next generation for an unleashing of new moral behavior like we have never seen. Thinking out loud.
