Monday, April 30, 2012

The Music Business and Drugs

Anyone will agree that way too many musicians have succumbed to the effects of prolonged drug use. I often wondered why the music industry executives who were patently responsible for the financial successes of the artists they represented and promoted did not do enough to help them. Musicians are not money making machines, they are human beings with a tri-dimensional problem…the need for recognition, the need for recognition and the need for recognition. Whitney Houston's death we all agree could be avoided. Michael Jackson's death could have been avoided.

It is a darn shame that no one could have helped these individual in the time of their greatest need. Many would say that it is lonely at the top but it is really lonelier at the bottom of your addiction. The brain is a multi-faceted organ in the human body that scientist are still grappling with. It is complex, elusive and machinated to the point that its very own human housing can get played by it.

Addiction's cure clearly has eluded even the most talented among us. Could it be that there is more to the cure than following a set of prescribed steps? Could Jesus really be the answer to those hanging in addictions's limbo? Most clearly, the music business executives have not shown up when those most vulnerable among us were in jeopardy.

A Musician

The Quest for Authenticity

In a highly volatile election year, both President Obama and his presumed Republican rival Governor Mitt Romney have a gargantuan task ahead of them.  Governor Romney has to prove to prospective voters that he is the best candidate to not only beat the incumbent but that he has chutzpah, is authentic and has the leadership quotient to lead this country down a different path…not the current one.

President Obama on the other hand has to convince voters that his hands were tied by a do-nothing Congress, that in fact the economic progress was not his fault entirely and that he can turn the economic Titanic around in the right direction.
